717-560-1333 hello@donovanadv.com


A Sweet Server-Crashing Success

Branding. Website. In-Store. Digital. PR. Social. Content.

finding the sweetest.

A trade program with a consumer hook

Our client had a cool idea: boost engagement among their small, artisanal bakery customers by naming one of them the sweetest in the nation.

There was A LOT to figure out – signing up bakeries, how consumers can vote, creating and distributing materials, sales rep communication, vote collection and more.

This blend of a trade and consumer promotion was right in our wheelhouse. We killed more than a few notepads turning this idea into a sweet success.

breaking ground with a unique recipe.

We approached this unique execution with a consumer promotion lens. We seriously blew it out – creating a free kit that Dawn Sales Reps delivered containing all the promotional materials they need to generate buzz and get votes.

We coupled this with a digital toolkit with graphics, ready-to-go social posts, fun content, printable posters and more to keep their digital audiences engaged and driving to our website to continue voting and check the up-to-the minute standings.

generating some sweet results.

The promotion couldn’t have been any sweeter. Voting got so intense in the final days that it actually overloaded the server for a few minutes. An overwhelming majority of Dawn’s customers saw a sales increase during the promotion, and our client had more loyal customers as a result.


Participating Bakeries


Votes Cast


of Customers Increased Sales


Sales Goal Achieved

transform thrive

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