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150 Years of wild snacking fun

150 Years of wild snacking fun. 150 Years of wild snacking fun. 150 Years of wild snacking fun.

America’s favorite Animal Cracker

Celebrating Kids and Kids at Heart to Celebrating 150 Years.

150 years is a heck of an anniversary. Being the #1 animal cracker in the nation is a heck of an accomplishment. So when Stauffer’s recruited us to promote this milestone and spark some buzz about their commemorative bear jugs, we knew we needed to make a heck of a lot of noise.

Animal crackers are a staple in our office – more than a few meetings have been interrupted by a rhino fighting a hippo. We used this energy and channeled our inner child to build our plan.

Hit the Press

Our strategy focused on local and regional news outlets where Stauffer’s had the strongest retail presence. Our theme focused on the uniqueness of animal crackers – one of the few foods both adults and kids play with – highlighting both the nostalgia and the fun. We timed everything to run on April 18th – National Animal Cracker Day.

Our story was picked up all over the web. The news release and still photography secured us interviews with a number of major news syndicates, national press, local newspapers and even trade publications.
