- Branding.
- Strategy.
- Website.
- Ecommerce.
- Digital.
- Social.
- Content.
Launching a legend.
Plant based burgers with unbelievable flavor
Luring sharks to the feast
To prepare for the launch on Shark Tank, we needed to hustle. In two weeks, we: overhauled an entire e-commerce website, defined the brand tone and creative direction, created photoshoots, social content, video, product descriptions, Google ads, social ads, banner ads, emails, PR communications, and more. All ready for the launch on SharkTank.
Kicking down the door to the plant based market.
Everything Legendary is changing the plant-based game by infusing real flavor into a blah category. They scored a big investment from Mark Cuban on ABC’s Shark Tank and wanted our help in capitalizing on their primetime appearance.
Mouths watering, we identified the key components for their launch, created a strategy for each and optimized them to get the most out of their upcoming momentum. We knew they were going to take over the category with mind-blowing flavor – and we knew we had to bring that through in the creative.
Scaring the Competition
Within the first 90 days, Everything Legendary took the retail grocery industry by storm. Launching in Target, Safeway, Giant, and ACME, they quickly climbed to be the 3rd most popular plant-based product on the market.
Competitors noticed.
Additional retailers and food service outlets requested meetings. Investors wanted to know more. And this was just the beginning. They are now on track to hit over $10 million in sales in the first year.